it was 9 in the morning, n she was shook by the reminder she had set for her scheduled meeting at 9.30.
she took off the hand from over her of the man that lay beside her, and she slipped out of the bed to get ready.
she had a gala time last night, like she used to have almost every night, party, booze, hanging out with numerous preety preety boyfriends, and he was one of them. she got ready in a flash and there she was dashing like a wild stallion, ready to burn down everyone who set eyes on her. she had everything a girl would ask for looks, brains and money. She was AKANKSHA.
she left the house in a hurry for the meeting and made it on time, every one seemed to be awed by her presence. All the females looked upto and down upon Akanksha, as she had everything that they wished for and wanted to be as happy as she was, she was their "Akanksha".
and then it was dark and she came back to her house which was now empty. i wished she had a home. she took out some food from the refrigerater and sat in front of the TV checking her voice mail, and she had two messages from her mom. she always got the msgs, but never cared to reply back. thats the way she was.
she didnt felt like eatin that night, so she lit up a ciggarate and sat in the balcony of her 9th floor apartment. she has been tryin desperately to go off to sleep for few years now, but now she had an aid, so she popped two sleeping pills and went to sleep.
she was beautiful from outside and hollow from inside, too depressed, lonely and scared from something(what even she didnt knew that). she used to sit in her room and stare at the ceiling as if someone was calling to her some mystic devilish power wanting her to cling to the miseries of her perfect life. she was so trodden that it happened one day, Akanksha, decided to die. That night she took an overdose of her sleeping pills...
and there she was in wonderland, she could see the white light coming from the end of the long dark tunnel, and she could saw white clad figure approaching her, and a voice from some distance enquired,"How are you feeling dear?" She murmered," i ve a terrible headache." And when she thought it was all over and opened up her eyes, she found herself lying on bed no. 7, of the local hospital's ward, with no one but the nurse standing by her side. The doctor told her that she has been saved but the pills had had an adverse affect on her body system and that she would not live for more than a week, and she gently smiled...
she had been tryin so hard to live, and now suddenly she was so happy, not because she was bout to die but because she had learned to live after coming back from death. she had never felt so joyful ever before, and she lived her life until her end, and then there was light...
i cant belive i screwed the ending so hard...!!!
YEAH U DID ! but lovely plot screwd in little parts..! anyways beautifully imagined no wonder u cant express wat u feelin...nobody can !
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