why is it that i m writin again.
i hope it is not cos of this pain.
why is it that my pen needs to bleed.
i hope its not cos of the hate that i breed.
why is it that i always have this smile.
i hope its not cos of the pain gushing inside.
why is it that it hurts so much when it rains.
i hope its not cos of the broken glass flowin in my veins.
why, why is it that my heart still weeps.
when i have this smile n the light still sweeps.
why is it so that m all alone.
i hope its not cos this crowd in which i've been thrown.
why is it so that m still writin this verse.
i hope its not cos of the ocean that swirls.
i dont kno why i still bear this smile.
when i feel like killin the person inside.
now i kno why m writin again.
n its not cos this swarmin pain.
now i kno why my pen wants to bleed.
n its cos of the hate that u breed.
n now i can see the glass flowin in my veins.
cos it gets out wen it begins to rain.
now i kno why my heart still weeps.
cos its to happy to see that u can still sleep.
n now i kno why m so alone.
its cos i love n love to be the same.
i hope m still the same.
or is it that i've taken a trip n goin down d drain...